Monday, May 26, 2008

Vicky Pollard - Little Britain

We were introduced to Little Britain by a friend.  The show follows everything this blog stands for- uncomfortable homosexuality, bodily functions, grotesque nudity and laughs. We have enjoyed it so very much and want to share one character- Vicky Pollard.  Amen.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

White Trash Drive In

Season opener! White Trash Drive In is OPEN FOR BUSINESS! For those that don't know, that's movies on the deck with a projector, a bed sheet and a dvd player.

First night was gorgeous during the day but after the sun went down it was fuckin' freezing. The selection was Gremlins, so good. We had Funyuns, chocolate chip cookies, Hamms in a can and the Doritos seen below - they're actually part of a contest where you get to guess the flavor. Top guess of the night: Mexican restaurant and feet.

What a terrific night.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bill O'Reilly

Man, that guy can wrap.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dildo or Train Whistle?

Either way, it's by far the best anonymous gift I've ever received.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Insert Caption

ASL My Ass!

Listen up deafies. Oh, that's right, you can't. Well, then read up! Time to evolve. ASL is old news. Time to start communicating in English or go back to your own country.

Even retards on Youtube with excessive free time and no real social life are doing it.

p.s. Yes, I'm going straight to the hell.

Friday, May 2, 2008

The (bleeping) Count

This makes me laugh every time I watch it.  Nothing inappropriate, just cleverly added bleeps so the dirty-minded fills in whatever you want.

Personally I like to believe he's saying, "jog" or "jogging" at every bleep.  Makes me think he's on a health kick.